​Mission + Vision

 History + Purpose


Missions that reach from the neighborhood to the nations

Jesus Cares Ministries, Inc. ©


Founder & CEO

History: Jesus Cares Ministries was founded by Evang. Brenda V. Johnson and was incorporated in 2000.  Since its incorporation, the ministry has grown exponentially, touching lives in the United States and abroad with practical application of the word of God. 

Purpose:  The purpose of the ministry is to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus through various forms of mission work locally and globally.  Jesus Cares Ministries has shared the love of Jesus throughout the United States and in the countries of Nigeria, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, and India.


I am grateful for what God is doing! He is really launching this ministry forward and I am most humbled by his favor and insight. Please continue to lift us in prayer as we seek to do what God has placed in our hearts to do.

Thank you for visiting this site and for being a blessing to this ministry!

Yours In His Service,

Brenda V. Johnson

Mission Statement: Jesus Cares Ministries, Inc. desires to enhance the lives of people physically, mentally and spiritually through the demonstration of the Gospel so they may know that Jesus Cares.

Vision:To be a well-balanced ministry that shares the love of Jesus of Christ to men, women, boys, and girls locally and globally through the exhortation and practical application of the word of God.

Brenda V. Johnson

Founder & CEO

Alex Brisard

Community Outreach Coordinator

Kimberly Burnett

Financial Secretary

Gwendolyn Byrd

Di-Anne Greene


Jackie B. Hamilton

​Public Relations Coordinator